Putting out fires


⭐️ In this episode, David Osborne discusses the role of a general manager in a multi-op DJ company and shares insights on how to put out fires quickly and prevent them in the first place. He highlights common fires that need to be put out, such as staffing issues, negative reviews, billing errors, supply chain problems, employee conflicts, cash flow shortages, emergency expenses, automated message errors, and miscommunication between sales and delivery. 

⭐️ David then introduces the ABCDE framework for problem-solving, which involves assessing the situation, breaking down the problem, considering solutions, deciding on a course of action, and executing and evaluating the solution. Finally, he provides tips for preventing fires, including proactive planning, regular checkpoints, systematized training, efficient processes, and robust systems.

  • A general manager plays a crucial role in a multi-op DJ company, managing daily operations and ensuring that client expectations are met and exceeded.
  • Common fires that need to be put out in a multi-op include staffing issues, negative reviews, billing errors, supply chain problems, employee conflicts, cash flow shortages, emergency expenses, automated message errors, and miscommunication between sales and delivery.
  • The ABCDE framework for problem-solving involves assessing the situation, breaking down the problem, considering solutions, deciding on a course of action, and executing and evaluating the solution.
  • To prevent fires, focus on proactive planning, regular checkpoints, systematized training, efficient processes, and robust systems.
  • Working on your business and implementing healthy systems and processes can help prevent most fires in a multi-op DJ company.
Putting out fires
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